
I’m not ready! – Hilfe, ich bin noch nicht parat!

This is going to be a loooooooooooooong winter.

Can you see why I am in a bad mood? I’m not ready for this.

11 Antworten auf „I’m not ready! – Hilfe, ich bin noch nicht parat!

  1. Looks like it’s time to put on your fun, bright sweater, turn some beboppy music on, along with the lights, prop your feet up on the heater and knit something fabulous. I hope you stay warm and find what beauty there is in the day. Enjoy your time at the Hot Springs. That sounds fun too.

    1. It won’t! 🙂 It’s way too early. This morning the landscape looks beautiful. And my sweater is finished ….

    1. I’ve closed the curtains. Can’t stand it. 😉 This is a very unusual situation. It’s early for fist snow. What’s more, it has snowed the whole day. There are still lots of leaves on the trees … Hopefully, I will feel better tomorrow when we are going to the hot springs in Constanze to warm up. 🙂

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