Favourite Things · Fundstücke/Finds · Stricken/Knitting

Way Back into Childhood – Zurück in die Kindheit


I went to my favourite thirftstore this morning carrying a list with me as usual. I thought that going there and browsing all around is one of the highlights during a vacation. I love going to the thirftstore. There are a few things I am always looking for. I could tick off some items, but found something else I didn’t even know I missed. How do you call it in English?


I learnt knitting when I was five years old. A woman who lived in the same building taught me. Frau Spühler had two sons, Kurt and Roger, a few years older than me. They both didn’t knit but made neverending cords with the Strickliesel. They would tie their teddy bears onto the colourful cords and let them down from the balcony on the fourth floor until they reached the ground, where other children tried to catch the teddies.

I’m linking with „A Favourite Thing Saturday“

at Mockingbird Hill Cottage.

15 Antworten auf „Way Back into Childhood – Zurück in die Kindheit

  1. I remember these too, Regula! I didn’t have one but a friend did and I loved to watch how the pretty knitted cord came out the bottom. How lovely that you found a small piece of your childhood when you didn’t expect to!

  2. I love this post, so very sweet and magical – love the story of the boys lowering their teddy bears.

    I had one of those knitting dolls as a child but can’t remember what they’re called?

    Happy week to you!

    1. There are also mushrooms … or any kind of roll with four nails or sticks. The boys must be „old“ men by now. I wonder if they remember those days too. 🙂 Have a good week.

    1. Yes, it’s pretty, but a threat spool works too. My grandmother made them for my sister and me in the late sixties when we were on a visit and had nothing to do …. 🙂

  3. Good Afternoon Babajeza, Gosh, this took me back to when I was a young girl. We knew these dolls as French Knitting Dolls. It was such fun using these dolls because as you said, the knitting, just grew and grew and grew. Thank you for visiting my blog. It is lovely to meet you.
    Best Wishes

  4. Oh my I love these! I bought a mushroom one a few months back, very addictive. I had one just like this way back in 1977. My mother gave it to be before we boarded a very long flight from Perth, Australia to London. It kept me occupied the entire time.

    1. Very fun! We called that finger knitting– my dad pounded four small nails atop a wooden spool. Same idea, but yours is so much cuter! Guten Tag!

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